AX 2012 Technical - Help with the DateTimeUtil Class

Problem Description

Need a bit of clarification on the DateTimeUtil Class and the questions are:

1. Some functionalities of client's product needs to store Date/Time to the 100 Nano seconds unit like the System.DateTime type. Is it possible to get this functionality in the utcDateTime?

2. The function datetime2str() you have thefollowing code:

// Start
utcDT = DateTimeUtil::utcNow();
// End

Assume that I live in Brussels, the company and user settings have the time zone set to GMT+1. I expect now that infolog prints me the local time, instead it prints the utc value without zone conversion. Any Ideas?

Thanks again! 

Solution to point#2

Can’t answer point1, but for point 2 they need to change the code like this:

utcDT = DateTimeUtil::applyTimeZoneOffset(DateTimeUtil::utcNow(), DateTimeUtil::getUserPreferredTimeZone());

Solution to point#1
Answering the first question. The utcdatetime type supports a minimum precision of 1 second. It is not possible to go to 100 nano second values. I would be very interested in knowing the partner’s scenario. You can share that with me offline if you can.

Best Response
I had no problem (except a little .NET interop weirdness w/int64) creating a table and storing high precision date/time values in it. Create a table called “TestDateTime” with two columns “str Description” and “int64 DateTimeInt” and run the following job to try it out:

static void DateTimeInTable(Args _args)
TestDateTime dtTable;

void SaveRec(str _description, str _datetimeStr)
System.DateTime dt;
int64 dtInt;

dtTable.Description = _description;
dt = System.DateTime::Parse(_datetimeStr);
dtInt = dt.ToBinary();
dtTable.DateTimeInt = dtInt;

void ShowRec(TestDateTime _rec)
System.DateTime datetime = System.DateTime::FromBinary(_rec.DateTimeInt);
str dtStr = datetime.ToString('o');

info(strfmt('%1=%2', _rec.Description, dtStr));

void ShowRecs(str _orderby)
next dtTable;

delete_from dtTable;

SaveRec('Rec 1','2009-01-01T12:12:12.1234567');
SaveRec('Rec 4','2009-02-01T12:12:12.1234567');
SaveRec('Rec 3','2009-06-01T12:12:12.1234567');
SaveRec('Rec 2','2009-01-02T12:12:12.1234567');

select nofetch dtTable order by Description;
ShowRecs('By Description');

select nofetch dtTable order by DateTimeInt;
ShowRecs('By DateTime');